DHI Hair Transplant
Hair loss can be caused by various factors, and when hair loss becomes severe, hair transplantation becomes the last resort.
In men, hair follicles are generally hypersensitive to the hormone testosterone, which leads to significant hair loss as they age. While different treatment methods are available to address this issue that affects people of all ages, only hair transplantation provides a permanent solution for hair loss. The advancements in hair transplantation techniques have further increased the success rate. Our experienced team offers the DHI method, one of the most effective approaches for permanent hair transplantation. So, what exactly is DHI hair transplantation?
General Information About DHI Hair Transplantation
DHI hair transplantation is a highly preferred technique due to its short recovery time and the ability to achieve successful transplantation in a single session. With this method, hair with a natural appearance can be restored without causing any damage to the existing hair on the scalp. Before the procedure, a detailed examination of the hair follicles is conducted. The transplantation process is tailored according to the individual’s hair type, and our hospital ensures successful results by designing the most suitable transplant plan for each patient.
DHI hair transplantation involves harvesting hair from the back of the head, specifically the healthy hair follicles in the donor area. These follicles are carefully extracted using a micromotor device and then placed in a special solution. Once the extraction process is completed, the hair transplantation procedure begins. Prior to the DHI procedure, a personalized hair design is created to ensure that the newly implanted follicles align with the natural direction of hair growth. The healthy follicles, safely extracted using micro-tips, are then transplanted into the areas experiencing hair loss. Remarkable outcomes are achieved through the DHI method, which eliminates the need for creating channels in the balding area. DHI is considered one of the safest transplantation techniques, and our hospital can provide you with the most suitable support for your transplantation needs.
Considerations for DHI Hair Transplantation
It is crucial to perform DHI hair transplantation in a sterile environment to avoid infection-related complications that could hinder the success of the procedure. Some temporary side effects such as redness, sensitivity, itching, and crusting may occur after the transplantation, but if these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, it is important to seek medical intervention. For high-quality DHI hair transplantation services, you can rely on Private Yasar Hospital.